Unit conversions for suspension form medications

Medicines that come in suspension form need to be shaken well before using them. Using flatware spoons used for eating is contraindicated for dosing medicines because they do not have the same sizes. It is better to use cooking measuring spoons because they’re more accurate. Even better are oral syringes they are accurate, and they're easier to use for babies.

Unit conversions

1 cm3 = 20 drop; 1 drop = 0.05 cc

1 mL = 1 cc (cm³)

2.5 mL = 1/2 teaspoon

5 mL = 1 teaspoon

15 mL = 1 tablespoon

3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon

Source https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002209.htm


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