Did you know? NSAIDs facts

The name Aspirin is an association of three names. A- stands for Acetyl, -spir- stands for Spirea ulmaria ( the plant where salicylic acid is extracted from), and –in, the suffix typically used in the past to name molecules.  

Diclofenac is extremely dangerous for some vulture species to the point that it nearly caused their extinction in some countries like Pakistan and India.

Ibuprofen was discovered by the pharmacist and chemist Stewart Adams and it was first originally taken by himself to treat his hangover before ibuprofen was on market.

Nimesulide is a preferential COX-2 inhibitor that has been withdrawn in most countries because of the safety problems regarding its increased risk of hepatotoxicity.

Meloxicam is one of the few NSAIDs approved for veterinary use for cats and other feline pets since cats lack the hepatic enzyme UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) responsible for glucuronidation of NSAIDs. Other molecules approved by FDA for veterinary use are Gabiprant, Robenacoxib, Firocoxib, and Carprofen.
